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Germany may refer to:

Germany is a medium sized nation located in Central Europe. Situated at the heart of the continent and surrounded by powerful nations, Germany is the motor of Europe. Similar to its recent history, the nation has to decide between all out war and binding pacts. Which will it be this time around?

Germany is a medium sized nation located in Central Europe. Situated at the heart of the continent and surrounded by powerful nations, a formidable army is very crucial for Germany.. After two disastrous World Wars, Germany needs to defend the west and the east and avoid another two-front war. As the 'motor of Europe', Germany is known to be one of the most resourceful nations in the game, with 8 starting cities, and mostly has a few resourceful provinces. It has 75 starting victory points, ranked 18th in the first in-game day.


  • Two Supplies, Components and Electronics cities respectively which favours mass mobilisation of units


  • Has a deficiency of Fuel and Rare Materials
  • Borders on almost all sides call for a powerful military force
  • Deficiency of Fuel and Rare Materials means that the construction of buildings will be less efficient.

External links - germany in real life