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You can spy on your enemies or protect yourself from their agents.

To defend yourself against enemy agents, select the city you want to protect and assign counter ops. To spy on your enemies, select the enemy city and either perform an instant action (which gives an immediate result) or assign an agent.

  • Agents on a mission will try to complete it once per day.
  • Agents receive a daily salary.
  • Agents can be captured.
Idle Agent.png

Agents are mainly used to indirectly harm a nation's capability to fight or capture the spies of other nations. Idle agents can be recruited for $10,000 each. Idle Agents are paid $250 per day. They can be stationed in any city or province and can be assigned one of four missions: counter-ops, intelligence, corruption, and sabotage. There can only be a maximum of 3 spies per enemy province or city, although there is no limit to the number of spied in your own provinces.

Counter-Ops Agent.png

Spies on counter-ops missions within your own cities or provinces for $250 per day. Counter-ops will attempt to capture the spies of other nations, possibly after they have finished that day's mission. If your counter-op spies capture another nation's spies, you will be informed what mission they were on through a notification and a notice in the spy HQ, and a pertinent article will be posted in CoN News. The article will read: "1 agent on (type of mission) mission, [who was working for  (player name)], has been captured in (province name). [He was able to execute his mission.]", with the square brackets only being there if applicable. Sometimes, the spy will reveal which the player they work for. The other nation whose spies were captured by your counter-op agents will receive the message "We lost contact to this spy before/after they completed their mission" in the spy HQ.

Intelligence Agent.png

Intelligence spies will attempt to reveal nearby troops, the country's relations with other countries, how many resources they have, recent messages to other nations, and recent trades on the market, even if they are not stationed in a city. The longer they are stationed in a city, the more likely it is that they will receive a greater amount of information. They are paid $2,000 every day.

Corruption Agent.png

Agents on corruption missions will attempt to either destroy a portion of the resource production for that day, embezzle tax money, or lower morale by 10%. The other player will receive a special purple notification and a notice in the spy HQ if the agent is successful, and an article will appear in CoN News. They are paid $4,000 every day.

Sabotage Agent.png

Sabotage agents will attempt to damage buildings or delay construction or mobilization. The other player will receive a special purple notification and a notice in the spy HQ if the agent is successful, and an article will appear in CoN News. They are paid $4,000 every day.

Spies require salaries and, if their salaries are not paid, they will be dismissed if they are within your territory or they will defect to the nation if they are stationed in enemy territory.