Mobile Radar

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Mobile Radar is used for searching, detecting, and tracking units. These radars are mobile vehicles which transport electronic equipment aimed at mapping a wide range of targets, from very high to very low altitudes. Advanced systems such as the AN/MPQ-53, are capable of handling 100 target tracks simultaneously, supporting up to nine missiles in their final moment of engagement. These units can be supported by strategic airlift. These units will be especially useful for anticipating enemy interceptors and their movement close to your borders, as radar blips will appear showing you their approximated point of contact.


This unit has the following features on its final tier:

  • Unlocked with Day 3 Research: Radar - Unit can detect air, ground, and naval units.
  • Unlocked with Day 14 Research: Airlift - This unit can be transported between airports/landing strips via airlift. Note that it is completely defenseless while in the air.
  • Unlocked with Day 25 Research: Reveal Stealth - Reveals stealth units in sight range.

Mobilisation Requirements