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return {
    ["Algeria (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. The largest nation located on the Mediterranean Sea, Algeria's coastline is hilly while the southern border includes the Sahara desert.",
    ["DR Congo (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Almost entirely landlocked, in resources and covered in jungle the Congo is the Heart of Africa. Many of its neighbors are eying its riches with greed so a strong military is paramount. ",
    ["Egypt (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Situated at the meeting point of two continents, this ancient country controls the strategically important Suez Canal. ",
    ["South Africa (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Located at the Cape of Africa, South Africa's interior consists of a flat dry plateau, with a range of mountains running along the coast.",
    ["China (Z)"] = "Extremely Large Nation. This huge Asian nation has been a world power since times immemorial. Its many cities and vast population are its biggest assets, with borders in all directions calling for a strong military force. ADVICE: Best suited for experienced players.",
    ["India (Z)"] = "Very Large Nation. Encompassing the Indian subcontinent, protected by the Himalayas in the north and the sea in the south, India is an ancient nation of staggering diversity and culture.",
    ["Indonesia (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. This nation is spread out over several islands and must rely heavily on its navy and marines. ADVICE: Best suited for experienced players.",
    ["Iran (Z)"] = "Large Nation. The second largest country in the Middle East that has access to both the Caspian Sea and Indian Ocean, Iran is a diverse nation consisting of mountains, forest, and desert. ",
    ["Japan (Z)"] = "Island Nation. Key to safety is control of the surrounding sea areas. Wise alliances are essential for Japan, especially with its large neighbors in the west. The island location makes naval research a natural choice. ADVICE: Best suited for experienced players.",
    ["Saudi Arabia (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. This desert nation is ready to expand north with several smaller countries in its direct vicinity. Its location on the Arabian Peninsula protects its hinterland from enemy raids.",
    ["Thailand (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Set in Southeast Asia, Thailand is poised for alliances with China or Indonesia. It has ample coastline and lush vegetation, making it a good choice for players who favor naval and air mobile technologies.",
    ["Turkey (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. A transcontinental nation in Eurasia, Turkey is surrounded by seas with a high mountain range framing its eastern border. Due to its location, various terrain types, and the strategically important Isthmus of Istanbul, Turkey holds a key role in the Middle East.",
    ["France (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Located in Western Europe with access to the Mediterranean Sea and English Channel, France can easily become the center of attention early on in the game. Mountains protect the south and east, but its eastern border is particularly inviting to Germany.",
    ["Germany (Z)"] = "Large Nation. Situated at the heart of the continent and surrounded by other strong nations, Germany is the motor of Europe. Similar to its recent history it faces the decision between all-out war or binding pacts. Which will it be this time around?",
    ["Italy (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Located on the Italian peninsula, this nation almost plays like an island country. Shielded by the Mediterranean it shares only a short border with France while the Alps shield it from the north. Well suited for naval players.",
    ["Poland (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Rising from the Baltic Sea in the north to the Carpathian Mountains in the south, Poland's immediate attention will be on Germany in the west, while keeping a watchful eye along its eastern borders.",
    ["Russia (Z)"] = "Extremely Large Nation. Spanning eleven time zones from Europe to Asia, the military victor of the last world war is enormous - as is the task of managing this behemoth of a nation. Comprised of a diverse landscape rich in resources, Russia is a force to reckon with. ADVICE: Best suited for experienced players.",
    ["Sweden (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Located on the Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe, this nation almost immediately runs out of space and has to come to terms with its neighbors - either as allies or enemies.",
    ["United Kingdom (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Island Nation. The UK's strength has always been its navy. Being an island nation this makes for a slower start, making the UK a well suited choice for players looking to create a safe haven in troubled times.",
    ["Canada (Z)"] = "Geographically Large Nation. Located at the very tip of North America, this nation has no potential enemies except the United States in the south and Alaska to its west. Being so large it lacks the population centers of other similar sized nations and must decide early on, how to proceed.",
    ["Mexico (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Mexico is the gateway between North and Central America. It has two mountain ranges protecting its western shoreline, but with the intimidating weight of the US on its northern border, it may be wise to head south.",
    ["United States (Z)"] = "Extremely Large Nation. A vast and powerful nation spanning the continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, this is the economical powerhouse of the western world. Owing to their size the United States first and foremost require rapid deployment technology and a strong navy. ADVICE: Best suited for experienced players.",
    ["Argentina (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Located on the south eastern coast of South America, Argentina is protected from its immediate neighbors by rivers to the north and mountains to the west.",
    ["Brazil (Z)"] = "Large Nation. With the vast Amazon Basin shielding this nation from the north, Brazil needs to quickly find a solution to overcome its inherent transport and mobility problems. ",
    ["Colombia (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Partially protected by the Isthmus of Panama and the Andes Mountains, Colombia has to deal with some of the most complex terrain and a host of aggressive neighbors.",
    ["Australia (Z)"] = "Geographically Large Island Nation. With an island the size of a continent, the natural path of expansion leads north. A strong navy is essential, as is the ability to quickly deploy infantry across a vast expanse. ADVICE: Best suited for experienced players or players who like a slow start.",
    ["Cameroon (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Located in Central West Africa along the Atlantic Ocean, Cameroon has various terrain types and many neighboring nation states.",
    ["Chad (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Chad is dominated by desert and plains, with some varied terrain in the south. In the past Chad has suffered from repeated attacks and incursions by its neighbors. Being a fully landlocked nation adds to the challenges ahead.",
    ["Libya (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Located in North Africa, this nation has a long coast along the Mediterranean Sea, with Europe being in close proximity. Comprised largely of desert and wedged between powerful neighbors, an early strategy is mandatory.",
    ["Mali (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Predominately covered by desert and savanna, this West African nation has a lot of land but not much else. The north is inhospitable so the natural path of expansion lies south and east.",
    ["Mozambique (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Located on the Southeastern coast of Africa bordering the Mozambique Channel, this nation consists of various terrain types.",
    ["Namibia (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. This nation is located on the Southern coast of Africa. Comprised mainly of desert, it lends itself well to armored tactics.",
    ["Kenya (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Located in Central East Africa with access to the Indian Ocean. Various inland terrain types and several bordering nation states require a solid strategy early on.",
    ["Afghanistan (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. This semi-arid country is dominated by rugged mountains and dry plains. Fought over for decades, Afghanistan has been called the graveyard of empires.",
    ["Iraq (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Having the shortest coastline in the region, the 'cradle of civilizations' is mainly arid desert surrounded on all sides by strong, neighboring countries.",
    ["Israel (Z)"] = "Minor Nation. Small, but militarily powerful country located in the heart of the Middle-East, Israel will need all its cunning to survive the brewing storm. ADVICE: Best suited for experienced players.",
    ["Mongolia (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. The birthplace of Genghis Khan, this country is dominated by wide open steppe and mountains. Can it recreate its lost glory and once again rule the largest empire on earth?",
    ["Myanmar (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Also known as Burma, the country itself is dominated by monsoon jungles, forested highlands and agricultural lowlands.",
    ["Pakistan (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Located at the crossroads between the Middle East and Asia, Pakistan is bound to play an important role in the game and must face its arch-rival on the sub-continent, India.",
    ["Philippines (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Island Nation. A cluster of volcanic and coral islands in the South Pacific, the Philippines will favor naval and air strategies. ADVICE: Best suited for experienced players.",
    ["Syria (Z)"] = "Minor Nation. This ancient country, once believed to contain the Garden of Eden, today is anything but paradise on earth. ADVICE: Best suited for experienced players.",
    ["Belarus (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. This flat and often marshy country has retained closer political and economic ties to Russia than any of the other former Soviet republics. Belarus needs to find a strategy fast, if it wants to thrive.",
    ["Finland (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. This sub-arctic country is dominated by flat plains, forests, and many lakes. Having resisted invasion in the past, Finland knows that it must use its terrain to its advantage.",
    ["Greece (Z)"] = "Small Peninsular Nation. Located on the southern tip of the Balkans, stretching far into the Mediterranean Sea, Greece is poised to be at the center of attention from Turkey and its northern neighbors.",
    ["Norway (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. The rugged western coastline of Scandinavia shares a long eastern border with Sweden and a northern border with Russia, so alliances should play a key role in the development of this nation.",
    ["Serbia (Z)"] = "Small Nation. Set in the highlands of the Balkan region, Serbia is a small country with strong ambitions. ADVICE: Best suited for experienced players.",
    ["Ukraine (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Situated in the vast plains of Eastern Europe, Ukraine's early focus will be preparing itself for an alliance or confrontation with Russia.",
    ["Cuba (Z)"] = "Minor Island Nation. This Caribbean nation was for decades ruled by 'El Comandante' and is now looking for new alliances and partners in a changing world. ADVICE: Best suited for experienced players.",
    ["Bolivia (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Bolivia is evenly split between the mountains of the Andes and the lowland jungles of the Amazon.",
    ["Chile (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Chile is a long coastal country in South America. Its eastern border with Argentina is mountainous and difficult to cross without aircraft.",
    ["Venezuela (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Situated on the Caribbean Coast of South America, Venezuela's borders are protected by mountains and the Amazon Basin in the south.",
    ["New Zealand (Z)"] = "Minor Island Nation. Once home of the fierce Maori warriors, modern New Zealand is a force to be reckoned with across the Pacific Ocean. ADVICE: Best suited for experienced naval players.",
    ["Angola (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Dominated by plains and mountains in a moderate climate, this south African country has to be weary of its strong northern neighbors.",
    ["Ethiopia (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Ethiopia is a geographically large North-East African country dominated by mountainous regions and high plateaus. Having once hosted its own emperor, the quest for a national revival is on.",
    ["Morocco (Z)"] = "Minor Nation. Situated in the north-western corner of Africa, this kingdom is the closest to Europe and shares the passage of Gibraltar with Spain. ADVICE: Best suited for experienced players.",
    ["Nigeria (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. This equatorial African nation has extremely varied terrain, ranging from jungles in the south to large mountains and steppe. Nigeria has some smaller neighbors serving as buffer states, giving it a fair chance in the fight for African dominance.",
    ["Kazakhstan (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. The world's largest landlocked nation, Kazakhstan is facing some challenging decisions. With Russia to its north and China to its east, Kazakhstan will need to focus on strong alliances in order to further its own interests.",
    ["North Korea (Z)"] = "Minor Nation. Situated in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula, dominated by mountainous terrain, the DPRK, or 'Juche Nation' is a fiercely independent state who's leader is idolized by his subjects. ADVICE: Best suited for megalomaniacal players.",
    ["South Korea (Z)"] = "Minor Nation. Located in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula, dominated by mountainous terrain, the Korean Republic has been wearily eying its northern neighbor for decades. ADVICE: Best suited for experienced players.",
    ["Vietnam (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Set in Southeast Asia, Vietnam is a long coastal nation with many hills, dense jungles and forests. It is imperative for this country to plan for jungle warfare while quickly establishing alliances with neighboring nations.",
    ["Austria (Z)"] = "Minor Nation. Once at the center of the huge Austro-Hungarian Empire the modern-day Austria is situated in the heart of the Alps. As its old rival Germany is stirring in the north, there is much reason to worry. ADVICE: Best suited for experienced players.",
    ["Romania (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Located in Southeastern Europe, Romania is a large and populous nation whose potential lies in rapid and aggressive expansion into the Balkans and beyond.",
    ["Spain (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Situated on the Iberian Peninsula in Western Europe, Spain controls the access to the Mediterranean Sea. With France as a neighbour in the North and Portugal in the West, a solid, diplomatic strategy is vital.",
    ["Peru (Z)"] = "Medium-Sized Nation. Located on the western coast of South America, Peru is protected on its eastern borders by mountains and jungle. With its diverse terrain and many neighbors it should look for a viable strategy early on."