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France may refer to:

France is a medium sized nation. It is fairly protected from invasions, with only its eastern borders particularly welcome to Germany. It has 7 homeland cities and has 71 starting victory points. Its homeland cities are (north to south): Calais (Supplies), Paris (Electronics), Nantes (Supplies), Strasbourg (Components), Nevers (Fuel), Bordeaux (Components) and Marseille (Rare Materials). The military doctrine of the nation is European.


  • Two Supplies and Components cities which favour efficient mobilisation of all units.
  • Well protected from Spain and Italy by Mountains


  • Deficiency of Electronics mean the mobilisation of all units but infantry and armoured units will be affected.
  • The Eastern border comprises of a large patch of forest, which favours invasion from Germany
  • Deficiency of Fuel and Rare Materials means that the construction of buildings will be less efficient.


  • The Carribean Island of Guadelope is a French province exclusively in the Flashpoint Europe campaign map.