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Uyghur may refer to:

A flag of Uyghur

Uyghur is a country that is only availible in the Rising Tides and Middle East Crisis maps in the game. It has 7 homeland cities in total and has 1 homeland domed complex (Gerze Complex). In Rising Tides, This country is bordered by China (Its rival), Mongolia, Siberia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Nepal, Bhutan, Hindustan, Assam and Mynammar. In the Middle East Crisis campaign, it is bordered by Nepal, Bhutan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

In-game description in Rising Tides

South Asian Nation. The new nation of Uyghur has risen to rival the power of the once mighty China. With its north-eastern border by the dreaded dead zone, will it ally its sunken neighbour, or keep up its vast expansion through East Asia?

Uyghur as an AI nation

Aside from Rising Tides, Uyghur appers as an AI nation in other maps (except for Flashpoint, Overkill, etc.)