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China may refer to:

An extremely large nation, this huge Asian nation has been a world power since times immemorial. It's many cities and vast population are it's biggest assets, with borders in all directions calling for a strong military force. Advice: This nation is best suited for experienced players.

World War III

China is a large country located in East Asia. It encompasses the areas modern-day People's Republic of China control, except for Uyghur and the Paracel Islands. It has access to Bohai Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea. It also controls a small navigable section of the Yellow River (which ends at the city of Zhengzhou). Due to the many borders it has, it is advisable to seize the Korean Peninsula and Mongolia early in-game. This will avoid powerful nations such as Japan and Russia from using the Korean Peninsula and Mongolia respectively as a path of invasion into China. Refrain from attacking Southeast Asia early in-game, as its diverse terrain and political status would lead China into an uneasy position, eventually leading to the fall of China.


  • 9 Cities with 3 being electronic (Shanghai, Lanzhou, Zhengzhou) can give the player a tremendous advantage economically at the start.
  • Compared to other major nations such as Russia and the United States, China does not have its cities so extremely far away from its starting H.Q.


  • With many bordering neighbors on all sides China is surrounded and can usually force the player to adapt to invasions early-on or use its diplomacy to create temporary alliances.
  • Though it excels in all other resources, China only begins with 1 fuel city (Qingdao), which can lead to problems maintaining a large military or making lots of buildings in its cities.

Rising Tides

East Asian Nation. This once powerful Asian nation has suffered greatly at the hands of the rising tides. However, its many cities and vast population have kept it a force to be reckoned with, with borders in all directions calling for a strong military force.

China encompasses the areas of China proper, and the North China Plain is enirely flooded with water. China shares a long border with its Central Asian neighbour, Uyghur. Its southern borders are now unusually welcome to the Mekong Cooperation, and it also shares a short border with Myanmar. Victory Site China borders the province of Baoshan and cannot be invaded from China without passing through Mekong Cooperation, Myanmar, Uyghur or without the use of pontoons and airfields. It has 96 starting victory points, making it the nation with most starting victory points in this game mode.

Homeland Cities


  • In the World at War 2020 map, China had 139 victory points and 10 cities. This made it one of the top three countries, with the others being Russia with 146 victory points and the United States with 136 victory points.
  • In the World at War 2020 map, China's cities were, starting from the top left and going clockwise: Ürümqi, Lanzhou, Beijing (China's capital), Qingdao, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Chongqing, Kunming, and Lhasa.
  • The country of Bhutan is a part of China in the province of Nagqu, except in the Overkill map, where Bhutan is its own playable country.
  • The province of Baoshan cannot be accessed without passing through Myanmar, Mekong Cooperation or Vietnam or without the use of pontoons
  • The province of Lijiang cannot be accessed without passing through Uyghur territory.