Minor Nations of Asia

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File:Armenia Flag 2.png
The flag of Armenia

Armenia is a minor landlocked nation without cities in the World War III and Flashpoint Europe campaign maps. It is bordered by Georgia to the north and west and Azerbaijan to the east and south. Its military doctrine is Eastern.

File:Georgia Flag 2.png
The flag of Georgia


Georgia is a minor nation sandwiched between Russia and Turkey. Its only city, Tblisi, produces components. Bordered by Russia to the north, Azerbaijan to the east, and Turkey and Armenia to the south, Georgia has no harbours and can only be accessed through land and air. Its military doctrine is Eastern.

File:Azerbaijan Flag 2.png
The flag of Azerbaijan


Azerbaijan is a minor nation sandwiched between Russia and Iran. Its only city, Baku, produces money and has a harbour. It is bordered by Russia to the north, Iran to the south, and Georgia and Armenia to the west. Having a harbour, Azerbaijan is accessible through the Caspian Sea, making every single player-controlled nation along the Caspian Sea a threat to Azerbaijan. Its military doctrine is Eastern.

File:Lebanon Flag 2.png
The flag of Lebanon


Lebanon is a minor nation located in Western Asia. Its only city in the World War III map, Beirut, produces fuel and has a harbour. Meanwhile, Lebanon is inaccessible from the sea in Rising Tides map. The nation is bordered by Syria to the north and Israel to the south. Its military doctrine is Eastern.

File:Jordan Flag 2.png
The flag of Jordan


Jordan is a landlocked minor nation bordered by Israel to the west, Syria to the north, Iraq to the east and Saudi Arabia to the south. Its capital Amman, produces components in the World War III map and produces fuel in the Rising Tides map. Its military doctrine is Eastern.

The flag of the United Arab Emirates

United Arab Emirates

United Arab Emirates is a minor nation without cities in the Rising Tides map. It is bordered by Oman to the south and east. Despite located at a strategic position to access the Persian Gulf, the United Arab Emirates doesn't have a harbour. Its military doctrine is Western.

The flag of Tajikistan


Tajikistan is a landlocked minor nation in Central Asia that is only featured in the World War III map. It is bordered by Kyrgryzstan to the north, China to the east, Afghanistan to the south and Uzbekistan to the west. Its capital Dushanbe produces Electronics. Its military doctrine is Eastern.

The flag of Kashmir


Kashmir is a minor nation in South Asia. It has a capital city in the World War III map but it has no homeland cities in the Rising Tides map. Its only city in the World War III map, Jammu, produces Electronics. The nation is sandwiched betwen Pakistan and India in all maps, but borders Uyghur to the north in the Rising Tides map. Its military doctrine is Eastern.

The flag of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is a minor nation in South Asia. Sri lanka has one city (Colombo) in the World War III map that produces Supplies, meanwhile Sri Lanka has no cities in Rising Tides. Its military doctrine is European.

The flag of Nepal


Nepal is a landlocked minor nation in South Asia. It has a capital city in the World War III map but it has no homeland cities in the Rising Tides map. Its only city in the World War III map, Kathmandu, produces supplies. The nation is sandwiched betwen Pakistan and India in all maps. The province of Manma in Nepal sometimes produces Components in the World War III map. Its military doctrine is Eastern.

File:Bhutan Flag 2.png
The flag of Bhutan


Bhutan is landlocked minor nation in South Asia that is only featured in the Rising Tides map as it is part of the Nagqu province in China in other maps. The nation is sandwiched between China and Assam and the military doctrine of this nation is Eastern.

The flag of Bangladesh


Bangladesh is a minor nation in South Asia that is located at the mouths of the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers and is only availible in the World War III map. Its capital city is Dhaka, which produces Electronics. The nation is bordered by India and Myanmar, and its military doctrine is Eastern.

The flag of Assam


Assam is a minor nation in South Asia that is located at the mouths of the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers and is only availible in the Rising Tides map. The nation is bordered by Hindustan to the west, Uyghur to the north and Myanmar to the east. Its military doctrine is Eastern.

The flag of Siberia


Siberia is a minor nation located in North Asia that acts as a buffer nation between Russia and Chukotka. Only featured in the Rising Tides map and is bordered by Russia to the west, Chukotka and Manchuria to the east, and Kazakhstan and Mongolia to the south. Its military doctrine is Eastern.

The flag of Taiwan


Taiwan is a minor nation located off the coast of China. It has one city in the World War III map and no cities in the Rising Tides map. Its only city in the World War III map, Taipei, produces Electronics. Its military doctrine is Western.

The flag of Paracel Islands

Paracel Islands

Paracel Islands is a minor nation in the World War III and Global Conflict maps. The nation has a city (Paracel Islands) in the Global Conflict map, but is only a province in the World War III map. The nation mainly produces rare materials and its military doctrine is Eastern.

The flag of Malaysia


Malaysia is a minor nation in Southeast Asia which is located at the south of Thailand as well as the northeastern part of Borneo (it is bordered by Brunei on Borneo). It has one city in the World War III map, which produces components. Its military doctrine is Eastern.

File:Singapore Flag 2.png
The flag of Singapore


Singapore is a minor nation in Southeast Asia that only consists of one money-producing city (Singapore). It is solely bordered by Malaysia to the north. Its military doctrine is Western.

File:Brunei Flag 2.png
The flag of Brunei


Brunei is a minor nation on the island of Borneo and bordered by Malaysia. It consists of one city (Bandar Seri Begawan) that produces fuel. Its military doctrine is European.


  • The Chinese-controlled Aksai Chin (also called Leh in-game) is given to Kashmir in the Rising Tides map. This can be seen as due to China losing control over the area (as much of the land between them and there is controlled by Uyghur)