North Korea

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Minor nation, situated in the northern part of the Korean peninsula. Dominated by mountainous terrain, the DPRK, or 'Juche Nation' is a fiercely independent state whose supreme leader is idolized by its people. A word of advice: this nation is best suited for megalomaniacal players.

World War III

On the World War III map, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a country that starts with 4 cities and 35 victory points, making it one of the smallest playable countries. In the World War III map, the cities it starts with are (top to bottom) Chongjin, Tanchŏn, Hamhung, and Pyongyang. Its immediate neighbors are China (and a small strip of Russia) to the north and South Korea to the south.


  • Thanks to the small size of the country, it is easily fortifiable.
  • Relatively fair positioning with only 4 nations (China, South Korea, and Japan + a single Russian city) in reach early-game, this is a minor amount of threats compared to other comparable nations.
  • Starts with an extra component homeland province (great for local industry)


  • Due to the low amount of cities, the early game can be dangerous and it may be difficult to defend yourself.
  • All four cities are coastal, one on the West and the rest on the East side of the country. This means that having a strong naval defense is a top priority if the player does not want their cities so easily captured, however, the navy does not need to be spread out as much as with comparable nations.

Flashpoint Europe

On the Flashpoint Europe map, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is not featured.

Rising Tides & Z

On the Rising Tides & Z maps, North Korea is united with South Korea, as Korea which features a Western Doctrine.


  • As of the 2020 census, North Korea has a population of 25,779,000.
  • North Korea covers a land area of 47,399 square miles.
  • The largest stadium in the world is in North Korea and it can seat 150,000 people.
  • North Korea covers 55% of the Korean Peninsula’s land area.
  • The Demilitarized Zone between South and North Korea runs for about 240 kilometers.
  • North Korea’s capital city is Pyongyang.
  • You can be sentenced to death if you distribute pornography, bibles, and movies from South Korea.
  • Only government and military officials in North Korea can own cars or motor vehicles.