Field Hospital

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- Increases the healing rate of units in the province
- Increases basic population morale in the province
- Building destroyed when conquered by another player

Field hospitals allow units to regenerate health while not in a city, updated once every hour. It is recommended to build military hospitals rather than field hospitals if possible as cities have a 1 HP/day basal healing rate.

City Buildings Annex CityArmy BaseAir BaseNaval BaseRecruiting OfficeArms IndustrySecret Weapons LabMilitary HospitalUnderground Bunkers
Province Buildings Combat OutpostAirfieldPontoonField HospitalLocal IndustryMilitary Logistics
Indestructible Buildings HeadquartersDomed ComplexSeed VaultMining FacilityFusion ReactorOil RefineryWind FarmMarine Research Facility
Removed Buildings Homeland CityInsurgent OutpostHiveSuez Canal Gate