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Rivers constitute a barrier to non-amphibious units, and non-amphibious units also can only embark and disembark at the coast using a harbour. A pontoon permits non-amphibious units to embark transport to cross a river without a harbour. It can be built in a coastal province. It connects to the route network, and only one can be built per province.

It is possibly the case for river pontoons that they only work as transport connections if a pontoon is created on the opposite bank.

City Buildings Annex CityArmy BaseAir BaseNaval BaseRecruiting OfficeArms IndustrySecret Weapons LabMilitary HospitalUnderground Bunkers
Province Buildings Combat OutpostAirfieldPontoonField HospitalLocal IndustryMilitary Logistics
Indestructible Buildings HeadquartersDomed ComplexSeed VaultMining FacilityFusion ReactorOil RefineryWind FarmMarine Research Facility
Removed Buildings Homeland CityInsurgent OutpostHiveSuez Canal Gate