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All air units, including transport planes, must be refueled. Refueling takes 15 minutes in a city with an Air Base, but will take longer if the air base is damaged, calculated as 1 / (percent HP) * 15 minutes. An airbase at the minimum operational HP of 4/10 (40% HP) will thus take 1/0.4 * 15 = 37.5 minutes to refuel.

Air units must return to an airbase to refuel after a set amount of time and will start returning to the nearest air base once the timer runs out. If the air unit already has a command that will require staying airborne for longer, it will do so; however, giving another command while the unit is past the end of the refuel timer will immediately cause the plane to go back to refuel.

Game Mechanics
General Campaign TypesMobile AppRanksSeasonsSecurity CouncilStarting Nation
Economics BuildingsCityHomeland CityMoraleResearchResourcesGold
Military UnitsCombatHealingRefuelingAir AssaultInsurgentsDoctrineTerrainEmbarkation/DisembarkationBoarding/DeployingDeployable
Diplomacy DiplomacyCoalitionVictoryVictory Points
Community AllianceAlliance ChallengeInternal MatchChallenge Alliance Community
Current Public Campaign Types Flashpoint EuropeWorld War III (Apocalypse) • Rising TidesOverkillBattleground USASengoku
Current Alliance Campaign Types Mediterranean TheatreMalta • World War III (Elite) • Antarctica
Discontinued Features AttritionNationalization
Discontinued Campaign Types Europe 1990World War 2020Middle East CrisisZBlood and Oil • World Redux • Deadline • Western TheaterCold WarAble-Archer • Operation Riverine • World War III (Memorial Day Event • Independence Day Event) • Cold War