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Influences: Construction Time ~ Mobilization Time ~ Taxation Level ~ Resource Production ~ Manpower Generation ~ Population Reproduction ~ Insurgency Change

Morale affects the likelihood for Insurgents to spawn, production numbers, mobilization time, construction time, and population reproduction rates. The morale of every province and city starts at 70% in the beginning of the game.


Mobilization and Construction Time

As morale decreases from 90% to 25%, the speed of construction and mobilization decreases linearly from 100% to 75%. Therefore, the final construction and mobilization time of a city will be:

  • 100% if the city has a morale > 90%
  • 1 / (0.75 + 0.25 * (x-25)/(90-25)) if the city has a morale of 90% > x% > 25%
  • 133.333...% if the city has a morale < 25%

For example, any building or troop created in a city in the start of the game when morale is 70% will have a construction and mobilization speed of 1 / (0.75 + 0.25 * (x-25)/(90-25)) = 108.333...%, so, for example, an Army Base Level 1 would take 108.333...% * 90 seconds = 97.5 seconds to build, a Recruiting Office Level 1 would take 108.333...% * 30 minutes = 32.5 minutes (or 32 min 30 sec) to build, and a Motorized Infantry Level 1 would take 108.333...% * 18 hours = 19.5 hours (or 19 hr 30 min) to build.

Resource Production

The effect of morale on resource production is morale * 0.8 + 0.25. For example, a morale of 25% (0.25) would have a production of 0.45 (45%), a morale of 70% (0.7) would have a production of 0.81 (81%), a morale of 90% would have a production of 0.97 (97%), and a morale of 100% (1) would have a production of 1.05 (105%)


If the morale is 33% or lower, the city may rebel. In this state, the city or province will have a smoke animation on top of it:


A newly occupied city or province will have a morale level of 25%, while a liberated homeland city or province will have a morale of 55%. In the tutorial, this is said to be because the city needs relief funding. At a morale level of 25%, the city has a 50% chance of rebelling while a province will never rebel, regardless of its morale level (it used to have a 1% chance of rebelling). Stationing troops in the city reduces the rebellion chance.

Morale Effects

The morale of a city or province will usually rise to around 80%, except in the city with the headquarters, in which the morale quickly reaches 100%. If an enemy captures the city in which the HQ is built, the morale of all cities and provinces of that nation will be reduced by 20, and morale will quickly decrease further in non-homeland provinces.

There is a target morale that cities and provinces will eventually move towards, unless there is a negative/positive modifier:

Homeland Cities | 90%

Annexed Cities | 60%

Occupied Cities | 60%

Provinces | 100%

There are many morale modifiers that affect this target morale. Some are listed below:

Description More Information Morale Modifier
<resource> Shortage There is a shortage of at least one of the 6 resources and a negative overall production rate -?

(maximum may be -50)

Civilian Casualties -30 is the maximum. The penalty drops by 1/3 every day Max. - 30
No HQ When the HQ is taken, the morale of all provinces and cities immediately drops 20 percentage points -20
Neighboring Morale x adjacent provices of that nation have a morale that is 40% or lower -7x for every city

-4x for every province

Distance to HQ: <x> The morale penalty is rounded to the nearest whole -5x
Enemy neighbors x adjacent provinces are under the control of a nation one is at war with -5x
At war with <x> nations This includes insurgents but does not include nations with 0 VPs -2x (maximum -25)
Enemy Units Nearby Enemy units are in the province/city -1
Neighboring Morale x adjacent provinces have a morale of 100% +3x for every city

+x for every province

Underground Bunkers +5 (lvl. 1)

+10 (lvl. 2)

+20 (lvl. 3)

+35 (lvl. 4)

+50 (lvl. 5)

Relocate Headquarters The HQ building is called "Relocate Headquarters" +25
Combat Outpost / Field Hospital +10 (lvl. 1)

+13 (lvl. 2)

+15 (lvl. 3)

Game Mechanics
General Campaign TypesMobile AppRanksSeasonsSecurity CouncilStarting Nation
Economics BuildingsCityHomeland CityMoraleResearchResourcesGold
Military UnitsCombatHealingRefuelingAir AssaultInsurgentsDoctrineTerrainEmbarkation/DisembarkationBoarding/DeployingDeployable
Diplomacy DiplomacyCoalitionVictoryVictory Points
Community AllianceAlliance ChallengeInternal MatchChallenge Alliance Community
Current Public Campaign Types Flashpoint EuropeWorld War III (Apocalypse) • Rising TidesOverkillBattleground USASengoku
Current Alliance Campaign Types Mediterranean TheatreMalta • World War III (Elite) • Antarctica
Discontinued Features AttritionNationalization
Discontinued Campaign Types Europe 1990World War 2020Middle East CrisisZBlood and Oil • World Redux • Deadline • Western TheaterCold WarAble-Archer • Operation Riverine • World War III (Memorial Day Event • Independence Day Event) • Cold War