Mechanized Infantry

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Mechanized infantry is especially suited for accompanying heavy armor. Mechanized support and flank protection greatly increases any armored unit's survivability.

Mechanized Infantry are a variant of Infantry units which are heavily armored and suitable to accompany heavy troops, such as tanks.

Mechanized infantry is distinguished from motorized infantry in that it is armored and thus had more hit points, as well as dealing more damage to armored targets.

Mechanized infantry can maintain rapid tactical movement. They require more supplies, fuel and components, and a comparatively larger proportion of manpower is required to crew and maintain the vehicles as opposed to Motorized Infantry.

Western doctrine

Research for mechanized infantry in the eastern doctrine

Eastern doctrine

Tier 1: Basic Mechanized

  1. Basic Mechanized: Starting research of mechanized(Day 2)
  2. Engine upgrade: increased speed(Day 8)


  • Radar signiture low
  • Can conquer territory
  • Can deploy armanent
    • Unmaned ground vehicle
      • Capacity: 1
      • Reload: 1 day
    • Elite loitering munitions
      • Capacity: 1
      • Reload: 12 hours

Terrains and buffs

Type Open ground Mountain Forest City City suburbs Jungle tundra desert high seas Costal waters
Attack buffs and debuffs +50% -50% -25% -50% +25%
Defense buffs and debuffs +25% -25% -25%
Speed 1(level 1)

1.30(level 2)

0.33(level 1)

0.43(level 2)

0.66(level 1)

0.86(level 2)

0.5(level 1)

0.65(level 2)

0.33(level 1)

0.43(level 2)

0.66(level 1)

0.86(level 2)

1(level 1)

1.30(level 2)

2.51 1.3

Tier 2: Advanced mechanized


3. Advanced Mechanized: tier 2 of mechanized infantry, day 13

4. NBC protection: NBC protection added to abillities, day 17

5. Reinforced armour: better HP


  • Radar signiture low
  • Can conquer territory
  • Can be airlifted by a IL-76
  • Protection from contamination(only after level 4)
  • Can deploy armanent
    • Unmaned ground vehicle
      • Capacity: 1
      • Reload: 18 hours
    • Elite loitering munitions
      • Capacity: 1
      • Reload: 8 hours(level 3 and 4)/6 hours(level 5)

Terrain and buffs

Type Open ground Mountain Forest City City suburbs Jungle tundra desert high seas Costal waters
Attack buffs and debuffs +50% -50% -25% -50% +25%
Defense buffs and debuffs +25% -25% -25%
Speed 1.30 0.43 0.86 0.65 0.43 0.86 1.30 2.51 1.3
HP 27(level 3 and 4)

30(level 5)

Sight 25 35 25

Tier 3: modern mechanized


6. Modern mechanized: Starting research for tier 3 mechanized


  • Can conquer land
  • Can be airlifted by An-124
  • NBC protection
  • Can deploy armanent
    • Unmaned ground vehicle
      • Capacity: 1
      • Reload: 12 hours
    • Elite loitering munitions
      • Capacity: 1
      • Reload: 6 hours


Type Open ground Mountain Forest City City suburbs Jungle tundra desert high seas Costal waters
Attack buffs and debuffs +50% -50% -25% -50% +25%
Defense buffs and debuffs +25% -25% -25%
Speed 1.30 0.43 0.86 0.65 0.43 0.86 1.30 2.51 1.3
HP 35 12
Sight 25 35 25


The Eastern doctrine has no buffs for mechanized infantry, but if you want to try the UGV it might be the best choice of infantry.

Real life equvalent

In the research tabs it seems to be a BTR-50, though in the unit photo it varies.

EU doctrine

Mechanized on an EU research tab

A level 1 EU mechanized in frankfurt

Tier 1: Basic mechanized

This is a rare occasion where a tier 1 unit is very strong. It is already very expensive at tier 1, so use it wisely.

  1. Basic mechanized: Starting research of mechanized. Day 1
  2. Engine upgrade: Speed upgrade. Day 7


  • Radar signiture low
  • Can conquer territory
  • Can deploy armanent
    • Unmaned ground vehicle
      • Capacity: 1
      • Reload: 1 day
    • Elite loitering munitions
      • Capacity: 1
      • Reload: 12 hours

Terrain and buffs

Type Open ground Mountain Forest City City suburbs Jungle tundra desert high seas Costal waters
Attack buffs and debuffs +50% -50% -25% -50% +25%
Defense buffs and debuffs +25% -25% -25%
Speed 1.10(level 1)

1.40(level 2)

0.36(level 1)

0.46(level 2)

0.73(level 1)

0.92(level 2)

0.55(level 1)

0.70(level 2)

0.36(level 1)

0.46(level 2)

0.73(level 1)

0.92(level 2)

1.10(level 1)

1.40(level 2)

2.51 1.3
HP 22 12
Sight 25 35 25


Unlike the motorized infanatry, the mechanized infantry can be engaged in combat at tier 1.

Send it to the tundra instead of the motorized because the mechanized has buffs.

Tier 2: Advanced mechanized

Now, the lethal basic mechanized is upgraded, making it even scarier.


3. Advanced mechanized: starting research on tier 2; day 11

4. NBC protection: Protection from contamination. Day 15

5. reinforced armour: More hitpoints; day 20


  • Radar signiture low
  • Can conquer territory
  • Can be airlifted by a KC-390
  • Protection from contamination(only after level 4)
  • Can deploy armanent
    • Unmaned ground vehicle
      • Capacity: 1
      • Reload: 18 hours
    • Elite loitering munitions
      • Capacity: 1
      • Reload: 8 hours(level 3 and 4)/6 hours(level 5)


Type Open ground Mountain Forest City City suburbs Jungle tundra desert high seas Costal waters
Attack buffs and debuffs +50% -50% -25% -50% +25%
Defense buffs and debuffs +25% -25% -25%
Speed 1.40 0.46 0.92 0.70 0.46 0.92 1.40 2.51 1.3
HP 27(level 3 and 4)

30(level 5)

Sight 25 35 25


Because there is conquer territory and protection from NBC's, this unit becomes essantial. Quickly upgrade to level 4 because by this time a lot of people might have nuclear weapons.

Modern Mechanized

By now, this might be one of the strongest units. It has only one level in this tier, and can be unlocked on day 22.


  • Radar signiture low
  • Can conquer territory
  • Can be airlifted by an A400M
  • Protection from contamination(only after level 4)
  • Can deploy armanent
    • Unmaned ground vehicle
      • Capacity: 1
      • Reload: 12 hours
    • Elite loitering munitions
      • Capacity: 1
      • Reload: 6 hours


Type Open ground Mountain Forest City City suburbs Jungle tundra desert high seas Costal waters
Attack buffs and debuffs +50% -50% -25% -50% +25%
Defense buffs and debuffs +25% -25% -25%
Speed 1.40 0.46 0.92 0.70 0.46 0.92 1.40 2.51 1.3
HP 35 12
Sight 25 35 25


Use it wisely due to it's high cost!

Real life

On the map and research tab it is a Marder IFV, though in the profile picture it varies

In tier 2 the IMV is an ATF Dingo.

External links - official conflict of nations encyclopedia - mechanized infantry on wikipedia

Infantry Motorized InfantryMechanized InfantryNaval InfantryAirmobile InfantrySpecial ForcesNational GuardInsurgentsThe ChosenZombies
Armored Combat Recon VehicleArmored Fighting VehicleAmphibious Combat VehicleMain Battle TankTank Destroyer
Support Towed ArtilleryMobile ArtilleryMultiple Rocket LauncherMobile Anti-Air VehicleMobile SAM LauncherTheater Defense SystemMobile Radar
Helicopters Helicopter GunshipAttack HelicopterASW Helicopter
Fighters Air Superiority FighterNaval Air Superiority FighterStealth Air Superiority FighterStrike FighterNaval Strike FighterStealth Strike FighterUAV
Heavies Naval Patrol AircraftAWACSNaval AWACSHeavy BomberStealth Bomber
Ships CorvetteFrigateDestroyerCruiserAircraft Carrier
Submarines Attack SubmarineBallistic Missile Submarine
Missiles Conventional WarheadChemical WarheadNuclear WarheadCruise MissileBallistic MissileICBM
Officers Infantry Officer • Airborne Officer • Tank Commander • Fixed Wing Officer • Rotary Wing Officer • Naval Officer • Submarine Commander
Seasons Elite Main Battle Tank • Elite Attack Helicopter • Elite AIP Submarine • Elite Railgun • Elite Bomber • Elite UGV • Elite Loitering Munitions • Elite Attack Aircraft • Elite Frigate