Armored Fighting Vehicle

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Fighting vehicles designed to lead an armored offensive across any terrain imaginable. Well armored and armed, these versatile and highly mobile units are the mainstay of any modern ground force

Armored Fighting Vehicles are well equipped to face combat situations in full force, making them a very attractive offensive option early on in the game. AFV's will prove to be a credible foe against both Infantry & Armored units. Highly versatile and well armored, these units will make your ground force threatening early on in the game.



This unit has the following features on its final tier:

  • Unlocked with Day 2 Research: Airlift - This unit can be transported between airports/landing strips via airlift. Note that it is completely defenseless while in the air. Western Doctrine gains access to this earlier, whereas the European Doctrine gains access to this later.
  • Unlocked with Day 18 Research: Limited WMD Protection - Unit is better protected when attacked by missiles armed with chemical/nuclear warheads. Western doctrine gains access to this earlier, whereas the European doctrine gains access to this later.
Infantry Motorized InfantryMechanized InfantryNaval InfantryAirmobile InfantrySpecial ForcesNational GuardInsurgentsThe ChosenZombies
Armored Combat Recon VehicleArmored Fighting VehicleAmphibious Combat VehicleMain Battle TankTank Destroyer
Support Towed ArtilleryMobile ArtilleryMultiple Rocket LauncherMobile Anti-Air VehicleMobile SAM LauncherTheater Defense SystemMobile Radar
Helicopters Helicopter GunshipAttack HelicopterASW Helicopter
Fighters Air Superiority FighterNaval Air Superiority FighterStealth Air Superiority FighterStrike FighterNaval Strike FighterStealth Strike FighterUAV
Heavies Naval Patrol AircraftAWACSNaval AWACSHeavy BomberStealth Bomber
Ships CorvetteFrigateDestroyerCruiserAircraft Carrier
Submarines Attack SubmarineBallistic Missile Submarine
Missiles Conventional WarheadChemical WarheadNuclear WarheadCruise MissileBallistic MissileICBM
Officers Infantry Officer • Airborne Officer • Tank Commander • Fixed Wing Officer • Rotary Wing Officer • Naval Officer • Submarine Commander
Seasons Elite Main Battle Tank • Elite Attack Helicopter • Elite AIP Submarine • Elite Railgun • Elite Bomber • Elite UGV • Elite Loitering Munitions • Elite Attack Aircraft • Elite Frigate