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Cooperation is the only key to success in this team-based map. Pick your side and lock horns with the other team in the fight for global domination.

A scenario in Conflict of Nations.

Nation Statistics

Playable Nations
Name Cities Coastal Cities VPs Border Countries Commonest Terrain Doctrine Flag
Algeria Flag of Algeria 6 2 70 6 Desert Desert Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Algeria
DR Congo Flag of DR Congo 5 0 70 7 Jungle Jungle Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of DR Congo
Egypt Flag of Egypt 7 5 79 3 Desert Desert Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Egypt
South Africa Flag of South Africa 5 3 67 4 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of South Africa
China (East) Flag of China (East) 6 4 68 4 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of China (East)
India Flag of India 7 2 87 6 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of India
Indonesia Flag of Indonesia 7 6 82 2 Jungle Jungle Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Indonesia
Iran Flag of Iran 7 2 76 7 Mountains Mountains Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Iran
Japan Flag of Japan 7 7 77 0 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Japan
Saudi Arabia Flag of Saudi Arabia 7 2 72 5 Desert Desert Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Saudi Arabia
Thailand Flag of Thailand 6 3 69 4 Jungle Jungle Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Thailand
Turkey Flag of Turkey 7 4 80 7 Mountains Mountains Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Turkey
France Flag of France 7 5 71 5 Forest Forest Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of France
Germany Flag of Germany 7 1 71 8 Forest Forest Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Germany
Italy Flag of Italy 7 5 74 4 Mountains Mountains Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Italy
Poland Flag of Poland 6 2 80 7 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Poland
Russia (West) Flag of Russia (West) 7 1 88 10 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Russia (West)
Sweden Flag of Sweden 6 5 73 2 Forest Forest Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Sweden
United Kingdom Flag of United Kingdom 6 5 72 2 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of United Kingdom
Canada Flag of Canada 7 5 93 3 Forest Forest Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Canada
Mexico Flag of Mexico 6 5 77 2 Mountains Mountains Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Mexico
USA (East) Flag of USA (East) 7 5 80 2 Forest Forest Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of USA (East)
Argentina Flag of Argentina 6 3 73 5 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Argentina
Brazil Flag of Brazil 7 6 83 9 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Brazil
Colombia Flag of Colombia 7 2 73 5 Mountains Mountains Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Colombia
Australia Flag of Australia 6 5 77 0 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Australia
Cameroon Flag of Cameroon 5 2 67 4 Jungle Jungle Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Cameroon
Chad Flag of Chad 6 0 72 7 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Chad
Libya Flag of Libya 6 4 69 6 Desert Desert Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Libya
Mali Flag of Mali 5 2 57 4 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain
Desert Desert Terrain
European European Doctrine Flag of Mali
Mozambique Flag of Mozambique 6 3 73 5 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Mozambique
Namibia Flag of Namibia 5 1 63 5 Desert Desert Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Namibia
Kenya Flag of Kenya 5 2 68 5 Mountains Mountains Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Kenya
Afghanistan Flag of Afghanistan 6 0 71 6 Mountains Mountains Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Afghanistan
Iraq Flag of Iraq 6 1 63 6 Desert Desert Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Iraq
Israel Flag of Israel 5 4 32 4 Urban Urban Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Israel
Mongolia Flag of Mongolia 5 0 67 5 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain
Mountains Mountains Terrain
Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Mongolia
Myanmar Flag of Myanmar 6 4 72 5 Jungle Jungle Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Myanmar
Pakistan Flag of Pakistan 6 2 70 5 Mountains Mountains Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Pakistan
Philippines Flag of Philippines 6 6 60 0 Mountains Mountains Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Philippines
Syria Flag of Syria 6 1 49 5 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Syria
Belarus Flag of Belarus 6 0 69 5 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Belarus
Greece Flag of Greece 6 6 60 4 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain
Mountains Mountains Terrain
European European Doctrine Flag of Greece
Hungary Flag of Hungary 5 0 75 7 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Hungary
Norway Flag of Norway 6 6 68 3 Mountains Mountains Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Norway
Serbia Flag of Serbia 6 2 63 7 Mountains Mountains Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Serbia
Cuba Flag of Cuba 6 6 44 0 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Cuba
Bolivia Flag of Bolivia 6 0 73 5 Jungle Jungle Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Bolivia
Chile Flag of Chile 6 4 53 4 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Chile
Venezuela Flag of Venezuela 6 3 71 3 Jungle Jungle Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Venezuela
New Zealand Flag of New Zealand 5 5 52 0 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of New Zealand
Angola Flag of Angola 5 2 67 4 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Angola
Ethiopia Flag of Ethiopia 6 2 66 3 Desert Desert Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Ethiopia
Morocco Flag of Morocco 6 4 68 2 Mountains Mountains Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Morocco
Nigeria Flag of Nigeria 5 2 71 4 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Nigeria
Kazakhstan Flag of Kazakhstan 6 1 75 6 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Kazakhstan
North Korea Flag of North Korea 5 5 39 3 Mountains Mountains Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of North Korea
South Korea Flag of South Korea 5 3 38 1 Mountains Mountains Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of South Korea
Vietnam Flag of Vietnam 6 3 62 4 Mountains Mountains Terrain
Jungle Jungle Terrain
Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Vietnam
Austria Flag of Austria 6 0 57 7 Mountains Mountains Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Austria
Romania Flag of Romania 6 2 67 5 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Romania
Spain Flag of Spain 6 5 70 3 Mountains Mountains Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Spain
Peru Flag of Peru 7 3 73 5 Mountains Mountains Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Peru
Alaska Flag of Alaska 5 3 77 1 Mountains Mountains Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Alaska
USA (West) Flag of USA (West) 7 5 79 3 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of USA (West)
China (West) Flag of China (West) 6 1 64 11 Mountains Mountains Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of China (West)
Russia (South) Flag of Russia (South) 6 4 87 6 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Russia (South)
Russia (Central) Flag of Russia (Central) 5 1 74 7 Tundra Tundra Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Russia (Central)
Russia (North) Flag of Russia (North) 6 3 73 4 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Russia (North)
Russia (East) Flag of Russia (East) 5 3 81 4 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Russia (East)

Last Updated Dec 24, 2022

AI Nations
Name Cities Coastal Cities VPs Border Countries Commonest Terrain Doctrine Flag
Ghana Flag of Ghana 1 1 17 3 Jungle Jungle Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Ghana
Madagascar Flag of Madagascar 1 0 11 0 Mountains Mountains Terrain
Jungle Jungle Terrain
European European Doctrine Flag of Madagascar
Tunisia Flag of Tunisia 1 1 14 2 Desert Desert Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Tunisia
Azerbaijan Flag of Azerbaijan 1 1 12 4 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Azerbaijan
Georgia Flag of Georgia 1 0 12 4 Mountains Mountains Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Georgia
Kyrgyzstan Flag of Kyrgyzstan 0 0 6 5 Mountains Mountains Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Kyrgyzstan
Nepal Flag of Nepal 1 0 11 2 Mountains Mountains Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Nepal
Oman Flag of Oman 1 1 13 2 Desert Desert Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Oman
Tajikistan Flag of Tajikistan 1 0 8 4 Mountains Mountains Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Tajikistan
Yemen Flag of Yemen 1 0 11 2 Mountains Mountains Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Yemen
Belgium Flag of Belgium 1 0 12 3 Suburban Suburban Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Belgium
Bulgaria Flag of Bulgaria 1 0 13 4 Mountains Mountains Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Bulgaria
Czechia Flag of Czechia 1 0 12 4 Mountains Mountains Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Czechia
Denmark Flag of Denmark 1 1 12 1 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Denmark
Finland Flag of Finland 1 1 23 4 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Finland
Iceland Flag of Iceland 1 1 11 0 Mountains Mountains Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Iceland
Ireland Flag of Ireland 1 1 12 1 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain
Mountains Mountains Terrain
European European Doctrine Flag of Ireland
Netherlands Flag of Netherlands 1 1 14 2 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Netherlands
Switzerland Flag of Switzerland 1 0 11 4 Mountains Mountains Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Switzerland
Ukraine Flag of Ukraine 1 1 26 9 Forest Forest Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Ukraine
Costa Rica Flag of Costa Rica 1 1 10 2 Jungle Jungle Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Costa Rica
Dominican Republic Flag of Dominican Republic 1 1 12 1 Jungle Jungle Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Dominican Republic
Guatemala Flag of Guatemala 1 0 11 2 Mountains Mountains Terrain
Jungle Jungle Terrain
Western Western Doctrine Flag of Guatemala
Haiti Flag of Haiti 1 1 9 1 Mountains Mountains Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Haiti
Honduras Flag of Honduras 1 0 10 2 Forest Forest Terrain
Jungle Jungle Terrain
Western Western Doctrine Flag of Honduras
Nicaragua Flag of Nicaragua 1 0 10 2 Forest Forest Terrain
Jungle Jungle Terrain
Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Nicaragua
Panama Flag of Panama 1 1 12 2 Jungle Jungle Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Panama
Puerto Rico Flag of Puerto Rico 1 1 6 0 Mountains Mountains Terrain
Urban Urban Terrain
Western Western Doctrine Flag of Puerto Rico
Ecuador Flag of Ecuador 1 0 10 2 Mountains Mountains Terrain
Forest Forest Terrain
Western Western Doctrine Flag of Ecuador
Paraguay Flag of Paraguay 1 0 11 3 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Paraguay
Uruguay Flag of Uruguay 1 1 11 1 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Uruguay
Caribbean States Flag of Caribbean States 1 1 10 0 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Caribbean States
Lithuania Flag of Lithuania 1 1 14 4 Forest Forest Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Lithuania
Croatia Flag of Croatia 1 0 12 4 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Croatia
Portugal Flag of Portugal 1 1 15 1 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Portugal
Papua New Guinea Flag of Papua New Guinea 1 1 11 1 Mountains Mountains Terrain
Jungle Jungle Terrain
Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Papua New Guinea
Malaysia Flag of Malaysia 1 1 16 4 Mountains Mountains Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Malaysia
Taiwan Flag of Taiwan 1 1 7 0 Urban Urban Terrain
Jungle Jungle Terrain
Suburban Suburban Terrain
Western Western Doctrine Flag of Taiwan
Singapore Flag of Singapore 1 1 5 1 Urban Urban Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Singapore
Sri Lanka Flag of Sri Lanka 1 1 8 0 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain
Urban Urban Terrain
Jungle Jungle Terrain
Suburban Suburban Terrain
European European Doctrine Flag of Sri Lanka
Estonia Flag of Estonia 1 1 16 2 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Estonia
Latvia Flag of Latvia 1 1 15 4 Forest Forest Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Latvia
Guyana Flag of Guyana 1 1 7 3 Mountains Mountains Terrain
Urban Urban Terrain
Jungle Jungle Terrain
Suburban Suburban Terrain
European European Doctrine Flag of Guyana
Suriname Flag of Suriname 1 1 8 2 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain
Urban Urban Terrain
Jungle Jungle Terrain
Suburban Suburban Terrain
European European Doctrine Flag of Suriname
Jamaica Flag of Jamaica 1 1 7 0 Forest Forest Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Jamaica
Greenland Flag of Greenland 1 1 5 0 Urban Urban Terrain
Tundra Tundra Terrain
European European Doctrine Flag of Greenland
Bosnia Flag of Bosnia 1 0 12 2 Mountains Mountains Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Bosnia
Slovenia Flag of Slovenia 1 0 8 4 Mountains Mountains Terrain
Forest Forest Terrain
Urban Urban Terrain
Suburban Suburban Terrain
European European Doctrine Flag of Slovenia
Albania Flag of Albania 1 1 7 2 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain
Mountains Mountains Terrain
Urban Urban Terrain
Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Albania
Slovakia Flag of Slovakia 1 0 10 5 Mountains Mountains Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Slovakia
Kuwait Flag of Kuwait 1 1 8 2 Suburban Suburban Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Kuwait
Fiji Flag of Fiji 1 1 5 0 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain
Urban Urban Terrain
European European Doctrine Flag of Fiji
Solomon Islands Flag of Solomon Islands 0 0 1 0 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Solomon Islands
Malta Flag of Malta 1 1 4 0 Urban Urban Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Malta
Paracel Islands Flag of Paracel Islands 0 0 1 0 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Paracel Islands
Bangladesh Flag of Bangladesh 1 1 11 2 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Bangladesh
Niger Flag of Niger 1 0 10 6 Desert Desert Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Niger
Zambia Flag of Zambia 1 0 17 5 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Zambia
South Sudan Flag of South Sudan 1 0 11 5 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of South Sudan
Turkmenistan Flag of Turkmenistan 1 0 12 4 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Turkmenistan
Uzbekistan Flag of Uzbekistan 1 0 11 5 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain
Desert Desert Terrain
Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Uzbekistan
Mauritania Flag of Mauritania 1 1 16 3 Desert Desert Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Mauritania
Lebanon Flag of Lebanon 1 1 9 2 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain
Mountains Mountains Terrain
Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Lebanon
Jordan Flag of Jordan 1 0 6 4 Desert Desert Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Jordan
Moldova Flag of Moldova 1 0 9 2 Forest Forest Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Moldova
Bermuda Flag of Bermuda 0 0 1 0 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Bermuda
Falklands Flag of Falklands 0 0 2 0 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Falklands
New Caledonia Flag of New Caledonia 0 0 1 0 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of New Caledonia
Kerguelen Islands Flag of Kerguelen Islands 0 0 1 0 Tundra Tundra Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Kerguelen Islands
Brunei Flag of Brunei 1 1 5 1 Urban Urban Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Brunei
Crimea Flag of Crimea 1 1 5 1 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain
Urban Urban Terrain
Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Crimea
Cabinda Flag of Cabinda 1 1 7 3 Suburban Suburban Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Cabinda
Botswana Flag of Botswana 1 0 7 2 Forest Forest Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Botswana
KwaZulu-Natal Flag of KwaZulu-Natal 1 1 7 2 Mountains Mountains Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of KwaZulu-Natal
Kashmir Flag of Kashmir 1 0 7 2 Mountains Mountains Terrain
Urban Urban Terrain
Suburban Suburban Terrain
Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Kashmir
Cambodia Flag of Cambodia 1 1 10 2 Jungle Jungle Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Cambodia
Uyghur Flag of Uyghur 1 0 9 5 Mountains Mountains Terrain
Desert Desert Terrain
Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Uyghur
Patagonia Flag of Patagonia 1 1 22 2 Tundra Tundra Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Patagonia
Sudan Flag of Sudan 1 0 18 5 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Sudan
Armenia Flag of Armenia 0 0 2 4 Mountains Mountains Terrain Eastern Eastern Doctrine Flag of Armenia
Diego Garcia Flag of Diego Garcia 0 0 1 0 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Diego Garcia
Guam Flag of Guam 0 0 1 0 Open Ground Open Ground Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Guam
Sao Tome and Principe Flag of Sao Tome and Principe 1 1 4 0 Urban Urban Terrain European European Doctrine Flag of Sao Tome and Principe
Ulleungdo Flag of Ulleungdo 1 1 4 0 Urban Urban Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Ulleungdo
Tsushima Island Flag of Tsushima Island 1 1 4 0 Urban Urban Terrain Western Western Doctrine Flag of Tsushima Island

Last Updated Dec 24, 2022


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Template:Navbox countries/SCENARIONAME

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Current Public Campaign Types Flashpoint EuropeWorld War III (Apocalypse) • Rising TidesOverkillBattleground USASengoku
Current Alliance Campaign Types Mediterranean TheatreMalta • World War III (Elite) • Antarctica
Discontinued Features AttritionNationalization
Discontinued Campaign Types Europe 1990World War 2020Middle East CrisisZBlood and Oil • World Redux • Deadline • Western TheaterCold WarAble-Archer • Operation Riverine • World War III (Memorial Day Event • Independence Day Event) • Cold War